Why Did You Doubt?

Read: Matthew 14:22-33

          Keeping your eyes focused on the Lord when all chaos breaks out around you is the hardest thing for any Christian to do. Just imagine yourself surrounded by problems as tall as mountain, doubt and confusion are swirling around you like the winds of a hurricane. We start to worry about what's going on around us , and every type of question is popping into our head. Questions start coming up like these; Am I going to make it out ok? Is God even listening to my prayers? Where is God when I need him the most? How could He leave me alone? Why is this happening to me?

          I know for me these questions pop into my head continuously, but God reminds me of who He is. Finally I began to see the light at the end of this long dark tunnel. He reminded me of the story of Peter, if you don't remember or you haven't read the story of Peter that is something you should do right now Matthew 14:22-33.

          Many of us can relate to Peter, when our faith is strong when everything is going great. But what happens to our faith when problems begin to arise? Peter took his eyes off  Jesus when he saw the wind, and he became fearful and began sinking. Even one of Jesus' own disciple's took his Him of Jesus and became fearful when he saw the wind, I mean he was able to see all the great miracles Jesus did firsthand. So to help you in this time when you feel like your drowning in your problems, I will give you what God gave to me to put my focus back on Him.

          Keep your eyes focused on the Lord knowing that he is the Great I               Am.

          Keeping your eyes focused on the Lord for that is where you will find           strength and peace in the midst of the storm.

          Keep your eyes focused on the Lord for he gives you certainty in                   uncertainty.

          Keep your eyes focused on the Lord for this storm will past but only             by Faith.   

          Keep your eyes focused on the Lord for nothing happens in your life that God didn't let happen, to build you up strong  and to prepare you for the great things your father in heaven has in store you.

          You may be in a transitional period in your life, where he is breaking you down, but only rebuild you better than before, transforming you more in his image. I personally call this the "cocoon stage", but you will soon flourish into the beautiful butterfly you were made to be. As you go through many more problems where you feel like your drowning and you're calling out for God to save you just like Peter. 

          Just remember this one thing if nothing else, God is reaching out his hand to you.The funny thing is that  God never left your side, you just need to take your eyes off the wind and mountains and focus on Him again and you will see you were safely in  His arms the entire time. Just like He told Peter " You of little faith," " why did you doubt?". It's  crazy how in Matthew 14:32 as Peter got back into the boat, the winds stop that's how the enemy works. The enemy will do everything in his power to distract you from God.

          When He explained this to me it explained so much of what was happening in my life , and that it was all happening for a reason. Those problems weren't as tall as mountains anymore; they were more like hills, and the winds that felt like a hurricane became more of a soft breeze. 

Blog Post Photo: Rob Strok

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